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Positive Thinking

Are You Happy?

When are we more alive, more connected to a power greater than ourselves than at those moments in life when we can say that we are truly happy? Tell me, what makes you happy?

Hidden Talents

What have you forgotten about that would make you happy to use? What have you set aside because your day-to-day life doesn’t demand it? Not possessions, but talents or passions.

Lesson from a Sick Day

I’ve always considered my refusal to succumb to sickness a great example of the power of positive thinking. Now I’m reconsidering.

Can You Take a Compliment?

I love giving compliments. Accepting them, that’s what I have trouble with. From now on, no more negative responses to positive feedback.

It’s the Little Things

Even when times are tough and you can’t find the silver lining, try making a list of the small things you are grateful for right now.

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