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Courage and Honesty in Prayer

Better to say things that you wish, even the things that seem patently wrong-headed, than to hold them back. Better to pray honestly, complaining, whining, venting, than to say nothing at all.

Prayer blogger Rick Hamlin

Pray for Our Veterans

Dad’s not around for any service at the veterans’ memorial this year, but I’ll do my best to pick up his prayer. Feel free to tell me about a veteran you’d like us to pray for.

Prayer Talk Susan Karas

Prayer Talk: The Longest Wait

In this series of videos, Guideposts uthors and staffers talk about how they kept their faith as they waited for answers to prayers.

Prayer blogger Rick Hamlin

A Prayer for Perseverance

As runners from all over prepare for the New York City Marathon, I pray for their health and perseverance—and for all those tackling big goals.

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