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A soldier is a defender of our freedoms, and he or she is deserving of all our respect, admiration, and gratitude for being willing to sacrifice so much for us every day.

7 tips for spiritual victory.

7 Tips for Finding Spiritual Victory

Military mom Edie Melson has learned a lot about spiritual victory from her former Marine son. As in the military, victory does not come by accident but by careful planning and following God’s path.

For military families, God is always near.

God Is Always Near

Military mom Edie Melson points out that God is always near–with the soldiers on patrol and their families left behind. It’s a lesson she learned when her own son was deployed in the Middle East.

3 positive filters for life.

3 Positive Filters for Life

Are you aware of how you tend to look at life, of what kind of filter you use to assess what’s going on around you? Your outlook, or filter, can render an event dreary or bright, positive or negative. Here are three useful filters you can apply to life.

Guideposts: Sometimes you just have to walk on faith.

A Military Mom Walks by Faith

As the mom of a Marine, I learned pretty early on that I was going to be doing a lot of water walking. And if I didn’t keep my eyes on Jesus, I was going to sink. Here are four other lessons I learned.

Guideposts: How to help your soldier weather PTSD.

Veterans and PTSD: Once Lost, Now Found

So many of our men and women in uniform experience PTSD to differing degrees. Part of helping a loved one cope with this disorder is the ability to give them the time and space they need to evaluate what they’ve been through.

Military families and Independence Day

Independence Day for Military Families

This holiday is forever linked to honor and sacrifice. These people are my friends, my community, my support and the hope of the future. I’ve watched as these scenarios have played out before my very eyes. In my heart, the phrase, the home of the free and the brave is real people, making real sacrifices.

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