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A soldier is a defender of our freedoms, and he or she is deserving of all our respect, admiration, and gratitude for being willing to sacrifice so much for us every day.

Military veterans are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Arlington Remembers…

This Memorial Day, we must remember the price that was paid for our right to shop, barbeque, spend time with our children, protest and live based on our religious beliefs. 

The U.S. flag for military families around the world.

The Beauty of Community

Looking to Christ for guidance and love, military families find that He has a plan for us in every location in which we find ourselves.

Moving day. (Thinkstock)

Rooting Out Common Complaints

Planting Roots’ new online Bible study series, ROOTED, helps military women become deeply rooted in Christ while removing some spiritual weeds in the form of chronic complaints. 

Military boots. Photo: Thinkstock.

Boot Camp Experiences

Whether we volunteer or are drafted, boot camp is what it is and serves a purpose. Our Father knows what we need so much more fully than we do.

Hourglass. Photo: Thinkstock

Do You Struggle with a Wait Problem?

Today I challenge you to look at waiting as an active process. Ask for new eyes to see what’s really happening around and through you. Then rejoice in the journey, as God uses waiting to bring your dreams to fruition.

Star on the U.S. flag. Photo: Thinkstock

Be a Shield

Military families know it’s not okay to talk about deployments specifics because of security issues. The rest of the public isn’t always as savvy. So here are some things we can do to be a shield for the military families in our midst, instead of adding to their vulnerability.

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