An Angelic Light Brings Peace
Mother and son see an angelic being made of light.
Mother and son see an angelic being made of light.
A grieving mother seeks contact with her son after his death.
I wanted to pray for my son, wishing him well in his job and his friends and that struggle to do what you’re meant to do.
No words, no books or grief counseling could bring peace to this mother’s heart.
It is impossible not to see the hand and heart of God at moments like this.
My mother always said the last thing she did before she fell asleep was to picture her kids and pray for them. I do the same thing.
The Guideposts executive editor shares his experience jogging with his sons.
The Guideposts executive editor shares a visit to his son in college.
The Guideposts executive editor shares a phone call from his son in college.
The Guideposts executive editor shares small moments with his son.