A Holy Week Journey from the Last Supper to Easter
Glimpse the land where Jesus walked in this slideshow featuring photographs from the Holy Land.
Spiritual growth comes in many forms, and at many speeds. Don’t rush your spiritual growth, but invest in it every day.
Glimpse the land where Jesus walked in this slideshow featuring photographs from the Holy Land.
It was a winter of record snowfall in many places this year. But spring at last! The big thaw begins. So it is with our human natures when we accept Christ. There is warmth and renewal.
Jesus instructed his first disciples in prayer that would make the lame walk, open prison doors and break down barriers between people all over the world. He can also teach you and me to pray, and so change our own lives as well as the world around us.
Devotion on letting go: I have to learn to let go and let God handle the outcome.
Refreshment–it’s the sweet blessing we receive when we reach into the needs of others with God’s kind of love and care.
Just like our physical bodies need water to survive, our souls need Living Water.
A photographer peering deep inside an orchid sees a heart-shaped area and thinks, do we show the Lord our own hearts? Do we welcome him in?
Just as in basketball, we must keep our guard up in our spiritual lives.
Are there times when it seems you are on a spiritual journey that is far too long?
He sees my grit. He sees my grime. And He washes me with mercy ‘til the water runs clean with grace.
It’s a lot easier to take note of the standout sins and ignore the subtle ones.
It goes without saying that whenever you bless someone, you are doubly blessed.