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5 Reasons to Love a Cat

In honor of Adopt-a-Cat month, Peggy Frezon lists the pros of bringing a furry feline friend into your life.

Cats can bring hope into your life

Growing up, I had an especially tolerant calico cat, Henrietta. I loved her because she played with me and my brothers; she enjoyed taking a ride in our spinning recliner chair, and we happily obliged. I don’t think my dog Kelly would tolerate that!

The American Humane Association has designated June National Adopt-a-Cat month, but any time is a good time to add a feline friend to your family. I asked my friends, family and readers why they love cats, and here were their Top 5 reasons:

1. They make great company.
Kate Fenner of Virginia always considered herself a dog person, but she thinks her kitten, Cinnamon (a red tortie/tabby), is purr-fect at keeping her company.

“When I’m sitting on the sofa reading, Cini-Mini will jump up on my lap and cuddle,” says Kate. Cinnamon also provides hours of entertainment. She loves to play–her favorite toy being a fluffy white feather on a stick.

2. They consider themselves equals.
Dennis Nicholls of Idaho says that one reason he loves Susie (a cream-and-gray domestic shorthair) and Duke (an apricot tabby) is because they have a hilariously high opinion of themselves.

He finds it charming how “bossy” they can be toward people. “Even if you are still sleeping, a cat desiring breakfast is not to be denied,” says Dennis, whose cats will get up on the bed and put their paws on his cheek or nose until he gets the message.

3. They express themselves.
Judy Bastille of Vermont enjoys how her cat Pipsqueak (a tabby) loves her back unconditionally and is a good conversationalist. Pip talks to her in little squeaks.

“She carries on quite a conversation,” says Judy. As for what might Pipsqueak might be saying, Judy surmises it’s something like: “I’d rather be watching birdies, but I know you need me on your lap right now.”

4. They love you on their terms.
Mary Beth Frezon of New York finds the best thing about her cats, Deirdre (a calico tabby), Archie (a white-chested tabby) and Erasmus (another tabby), is that they act like cats all the time, and they love you as cats.

They’re very affectionate–in their own way. Mary Beth’s kitties show her love by head-butting her and “whispering purry things” in her ears.

5. They’re complicated, yet devoted.
Cees Alons of Amsterdam, Holland, observes that “a cat will give you a feeling he needs and loves you–while looking perfectly as if he doesn’t need anybody in the world at all.”

When Cees arrived home from a vacation once, the very first greeting he received was from his cat Mickey (a black and white European shorthair). Mickey was by Cees’ side “much quicker than my son and daughter,” he adds.

So for these reasons and many more, consider adopting a cat from a shelter near you. Soon you’ll be discovering your own reasons to love a cat.

For more information, check out the Humane Association website.

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