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What Is the Meaning of Lent: Why Do We Observe It?

If your prayer life has gone stale, and you’re in a spiritual rut, welcome to this season of inner growth.

A wooden cross and purple ribbon signifying the meaning of lent
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
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What is the Meaning of Lent?

The word “Lent” comes from an Old English word that refers to the lengthening of days, the coming of spring. That’s not how we usually think of it. Lent sounds like it should be dour and gray. A season of self-sacrifice and taking away. Think again. The meaning of Lent is about opening up. No matter what the weather is like, newness and new life are just outside the window. And in you.

READ MORE: Why Do We Call It Lent?

Woman with her arms outstretched in nature thinking about the meaning of lent

How to Find Meaning in the Lenten Season

Does every day feel the same? Does it feel like you’re in a rut? Is your prayer life the “same old, same old?” Welcome in Lent, this season of inner growth and spiritual sustenance. It’s there on the calendar for you to recharge. Recharge.

Give yourself a Lent goal

Sometimes we don’t even know what we want until we give it some focus. Until we write it down. Take out a pen and paper (okay, you can do it on your laptop too) and write a Lent plan. Put down some goals. Things you want for yourself in your spiritual life. Things you want for your loved ones. Don’t try to make it fancy. Just be honest. You’re the only one who’s going to see it. You and God.

READ MORE: 5 Things to Take Up This Lent

Look for the God within

It’s a curious moment. Those 40 days of Lent come just before Easter. We have a time of self-reflection before we launch into the celebration of the Resurrection and new life. But think about what we’re honoring. Those 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness were His preparation for a transforming ministry. When we give ourselves 40 days, we’re discovering the Jesus within us. Finding our time to share with Him.

woman praying about the meaning of lent in her home

Do something new

When we give up something for Lent—like chocolates or wine—we’re doing something sacrificial, not because it seems like a good idea but to give ourselves a reminder of how Jesus went on a 40-day fast. I remember when my wife gave up worry for Lent. Now there’s a challenge! It was terrifically hard, but every time she found her mind turn to worry, she had to turn to God for peace of mind and sustenance.

READ MORE: 5 Fun, Easy and Faith-Filled Ideas for Lent

Where is the tempter’s power?

I’m afraid I spend a lot more time thinking about myself than I do about other people. I tell myself that it’s just what you have to do in this world. You know, looking out for number one. But shouldn’t number one be God? Jesus used that time in the wilderness—God used it—to face down the tempter. To say no. Putting Lent on your calendar is a way to re-focus and see where you need to say no. Fully explore the meaning of Lent.

READ MORE: 20 Beautiful Lent Quotes to Inspire You

Woman with her eyes closed thinking about the meaning of lent

Be guided by the Spirit

It was the Spirit that sent Jesus into the wilderness in the first place. And Jesus by His actions makes sure the Spirit doesn’t leave Him. The Spirit is here to guide all of us to a life that is new and transformative. Let Lent put your focus there.

READ MORE: 10 Inspiring Prayers for Lent and Fasting 

Welcome the angels

At the end of Jesus’s time in the wilderness, angels came and comforted Him. That angelic comfort is awaiting all of us at the end of our trials. Look for it. Welcome it. Invite the angels in. Lent is not just a time to say no. It is also a time to say yes.


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