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This Boy’s Victory Dance After Chemo Will Warm Your Heart

One boy’s inspiring journey through chemotherapy has reached thousands by storm with the ringing of a bell. 6-year-old Jimmy Spagnolo was recorded by his mother ringing a bell joyfully and dancing in celebration of completing a year of chemotherapy on February 2nd. The video was posted on his Facebook page that his mother created to document his achievements and journey.

Jimmy Spagnolo, 6, rings a bell to signify the end of his cancer treatments at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
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This video of a 6-year-old boy’s victory dance after completing a year of chemotherapy is going viral.

Little Jimmy Spagnolo adorably danced in joy while wearing a Superman cape as he rang a bell at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh on Feb. 2nd, celebrating the end of his latest round of chemotherapy to shrink a brain tumor he’s had since he was a baby. The hospital posted the video of the merry moment on social media, which now has over 330,000 views on Facebook.

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For the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, ringing the bell symbolizes that a person is either cancer-free or has reached a milestone in treatment. Officials wrote on the hospital’s Facebook page that the bell can represent “the sound of tears, strength, fear, courage, doubt, satisfaction, relief and happiness” all coming through – everything that cancer patients go through. For Jimmy, it meant that his doctors believe he can live with the now much smaller tumor, though they will continue to monitor it. According to the Huffington Post, people from across the hospital left meetings early to witness Jimmy ringing the bell to celebrate this milestone. “Jimmy is like that all the time,” his mom Lacie Spanolo wrote on her son’s Facebook page. “He celebrates life like that every day.”

People across the country sent a flood of encouraging comments to Jimmy and his family on social media. One enthusiastic Facebook user wrote, “Brings me to tears watching him jump up and down with that smile…amazing! Congratulations little guy! My son has one more year to go!” The Spagnolo family hopes that this video will continue to encourage and inspire other families with children going through chemotherapy.  “Our moment is everyone’s moment,” Mrs. Spagnolo asserts to The Huffington Post. “I hope others hear this bell and continue to fight!” 

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