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Searching for Miracles in Sandy’s Aftermath

Superstorm Sandy has shaken us all and taken lives. But some stories can help inspire us to go on.

Mysterious Ways blogger Adam Hunter

This storm has been rough on us here at Guideposts. So many of our staff and their families have been without power for many days, and continuing transportation issues have made getting back to normal impossible. Seeing the damage and destruction that “superstorm” Sandy left in its wake could shake anyone’s faith.

And yet I know from my experience as editor of Mysterious Ways that despite the way things look now, in the coming days we will hear about the many miracles to come out of this devastation. We saw it with Hurricane Katrina—that while so many lost everything, they found the strength to go on, often in the most unexpected places.

Our office at Guideposts has been one such miracle to emerge from this storm so far. Nearly everything below 37th street is dark, but our office on 34th street, by virtue of sharing a power grid with the Empire State Building perhaps, never lost power. Over the past few days, it has become a refuge of sorts, not only for those who work here, but for their families as well. Spouses, kids, former Guideposts employees have all come by for free lunches provided by our upper management, and together, we’ve taken the opportunity to catch up on news, charge our devices, warm up and enjoy the many other benefits of electricity that we usually take for granted. Call it good luck, or chalk it up to a sound real estate decision made many years ago, but in these times, finding a place of comfort to hang onto seems like the work of a higher power to me.

My friend Ben shared one incredible story his coworker told him. He had picked up his pregnant daughter from her coastal home, to take her to his home for safety. They were about to pull into his garage when a large tree toppled over in the wind and fell across the driveway. It missed the car by inches. Even days later, Ben’s coworker still seemed in shock. “If we had arrived a second later…”

We know others were not so fortunate. We pray for their loved ones, and hope they can find peace and comfort. And we hope that the miracles—the close calls, the unlikely rescues, the seemingly inexplicable moments that kept so many people out of harm’s way—can help inspire everyone during this difficult time.

So keep your eyes and ears open for the surprising moments of grace to come out of this storm, and please share them with us. We all need something to hang onto throughout a tough recovery.

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