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You Are Royalty

It doesn’t matter what you do or where you were born. God’s Word has handed you a crown.

Photo of a crown by ivan_7316, Thinkstock.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Last week, my oldest daughter Abby and I went to see the movie Jupiter Ascending with her sorority sisters and their moms as part of a mother/daughter weekend. The company was great, the movie was good, the popcorn a little stale, but the message I received was wonderful.

While much of the movie featured alien spaceship chases, big explosions, spooky space creatures and Channing Tatum as a handsome human/wolf alien named Caine who air-surfs on high-powered boots, there was a meaningful message woven into this action/adventure movie.

Mila Kunis plays a girl named Jupiter Jones who makes a living cleaning houses on Earth, totally unaware that she is a member of the royal family on another planet. When her alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m. every morning, she often grumbles, “I hate my life.”

Caine rescues Jupiter from these creepy little ET-looking guys who are trying to kill her because she poses a threat to the current powers-that-be in the universe. Then Caine and Jupiter end up at the home of one of Caine’s friends, Stinger.

And, that’s where the meaningful dialogue begins.  

Stinger apparently raises bees, or at least allows bees to build homes all around his property and on the sides of his house. Hundreds of bees are buzzing around Jupiter’s head, but not one lands on her or tries to sting her.

As she moves her hands, the bees follow as if she’s directing them with some strange power. All eyes turn to her, completely fascinated. Stinger says, “Bees are genetically disposed to recognize royalty, your Majesty.”

Jupiter, still completely oblivious to her princess status, refutes Stinger’s claim, noting that she cleans toilets for a living. He says that bees don’t look at that kind of stuff. They don’t care what you do. They only recognize who you are.

“Bees never lie,” he adds.

I thought that was the most powerful scene in the movie, and it spoke to me. (Yes, even in an action/adventure/alien movie, God can speak to you!)

If bees really did recognize royalty, I wouldn’t worry that I was allergic to those little buggers. No, I’d be able to wave my hand around and direct bees just like Jupiter Jones, because I am a child of the Most High King, and so are you!

We are royalty!

So, even if you feel less than prince or princess-like, it doesn’t change that fact. I don’t know if bees lie or not, but I know for sure that God’s Word is always true. Revelation 1:6 says, “and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (NKJV)

And, Revelation 5:10 says, “You let them become kings and serve God as priests, and they will rule on earth.” (CEV)

First Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (NIV)

God has even given us crowns. Don’t believe me? Psalm 8:4-6 says, “What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor.” (NKJV)

If, like Jupiter Jones, you don’t recognize that you are royalty or don’t believe that you are chosen, precious, priceless and worthy of a crown, then meditate on those scriptures. Begin praising the Most High King for adopting you into His royal family.

You see, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what your occupation happens to be. It doesn’t matter if you think you were born on the “wrong side of the tracks.” It only matters who you are and Whose you are. So, on those days when you are feeling less than royal, remind yourself of who you are and Who your Daddy is.

Pray this with me:

Father, thank You for adopting me into Your family. I am in awe that I get to call You, the Most High King, my heavenly Father. Help me, Lord, to begin to see myself the way that You see me. I love You. In the Mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.

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