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In Praise of Cats

June is Adopt-a-Cat Month from the American Humane Association. If you’re looking for a feline friend, why not visit your local shelter or cat rescue group and find a companion who will fit your lifestyle?

Thank you, God, for cats! June is adopt-a-cat month.
Credit: Getty Images/Ingram Publishing

June is Adopt-a-Cat Month from the American Humane Association. In honor of kitties everywhere, here is an appreciation:

People say cats have an attitude. Some people love them because of that. Some people love them in spite of it. The funny thing about cats is that they are all unique, just like people.

My childhood cat Henrietta loved me. She used to ride on my shoulders, perfectly relaxed as I walked from my bedroom down the hall, and then sank into a chair in the living room.

We had this wonderful brown plush easy chair. It could rock back and forth, as well as swivel around in a circle. I’d hold Henrietta in my lap and work my feet against the floor to make the chair spin around and around. You wouldn’t believe it, but Henrietta loved this ride as much as I did! She flicked the tip of her tail, totally content in my arms.


Some cats are playful and curious. Some are social and affectionate. Other people describe their cats as timid and skeptical. If someone walks into the house, they vanish. I once fed and cared for a cat while my friend was on vacation and never saw the cat! The only way I knew the cat was still okay was that the food had disappeared the next day.

Some cats are active, naughty, vocal, loving, gentle or a mixed-up marvel of feline sensation.

Thank you God for all the wonderful, marvelous, unique and beautiful cats in our lives today.

If you’re looking for a feline friend, why not visit your local shelter or cat rescue group and find a companion who will fit your lifestyle? Curious or calm, adventurous or admiring…your purr-fect pal is waiting!

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