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A Friend’s Surprising Prayer

His acknowledgments made me stop and pray a thankful prayer for all the angels in my life.

Angels on Earth blogger Colleen Hughes
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Copies of Rick Hamlin’s new book, 10 Prayers You Can’t Live Without, arrived in the office yesterday, and I couldn’t get my hands on one fast enough.

I’d read most of it in manuscript form as Rick was putting it together, but for me there’s nothing better than reading the real printed and bound copy of a finished book. “Congratulations, Rick,” I said, admiring the cover. “I’ll start it on my train ride home tonight.”

“Don’t skip the acknowledgments,” Rick said. “It’s what I’m most proud of in the whole book.”

Curious, I thought.

The acknowledgments were all the way in the back of the book, but when I got settled in on the train, I turned to them first, thinking Rick had saved his best and most thoughtful prayer advice for the end. Isn’t that what would make him most proud?

I guess I’d forgotten who I was dealing with. There weren’t any big thoughts in Rick’s acknowledgment pages, no advice really. Instead he wrote what amounts to a prayer of thanksgiving—for family and friends, coworkers and colleagues, his church and everybody who ever contributed to Guideposts.

Rick’s acknowledgments made me stop and pray a thankful prayer for all the angels in my life. I bet Rick would be proud.

If you haven’t yet, you really should read Rick Hamlin’s “Hope for Mike” in the current issue of Angels on Earth. And you can order his book at ShopGuideposts.org.

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