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An Angel for Everyone

There is an angel for everyone, no matter where your interests lie.

One of Oprah Winfrey's black angels at the Angel Museum in Beloit, Wisconsin
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Today’s guest-blogger is Angels on Earth editorial assistant Kelly P. Gallagher.

Friends and family occasionally ask me if I ever get tired of reading and editing true angel stories. “It must get repetitive,” a cousin remarked last week over coffee. I smiled and shook my head. She didn’t understand what a diverse topic angels are! When it comes to angels, there is something for everyone, no matter where your interests lie.

History buffs looking to expand their angel knowledge might be interested in the work of Father Marcello Stanzione. After reading a text that he felt improperly represented the role of angels in theology, this Italian priest dedicated his life to the study of angels, such as the archangel Uriel. For more historical perspective, this 2005 documentary on the History Channel covers both good and fallen angels.

Angels’ influence on society is also evident in the modern world. Take a virtual visit to the Angel Museum, located in Beloit, Wisconsin. It features more than 11,000 angels from around the world, including Oprah Winfrey's famed collection of 571 black angels, which she donated to the museum.

Angel lovers in Southern California will be right at home at the annual Angel Festival, a free one-day event held every October. Face painting, chalk art and angel crafts are just a small sampling of the event’s offerings, and every person you’ll meet is sure to have a true angel story they’re willing to share!

I learn new things every day at Angels on Earth.  History, art, storytelling… there is literally no subject on earth that heavenly angels haven’t touched. Yes, my typical workday involves learning and writing about angels. But angels are anything but typical. So when I’m asked, “Do you ever get bored?” my answer is always the same: “Heavens, no!”

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