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Angel Glass

A sea glass collector gets some help from the heavenly angels.

Heavenly angels help sea glass collector
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Ah, summer vacation! I hunted along the rocky shoreline of North Truro, Massachu-setts, for sea glass.

I’d been collecting the stuff for years but had yet to find a single piece this trip.

What I had accomplished was to finish reading a book about guardian angels. The author claimed they were always near. That gave me an idea. Could an angel help me find a pretty piece of sea glass?

A couple steps later something glistened on top of a pile of shells. White sea glass! What a coincidence, I thought.

I kept on walking. How about some green sea glass this time? I wondered. A large slice of Kelly green glass rolled in with the surf and landed at my feet. The rarest type of sea glass, brown, washed up an instant later. Now this experiment was getting interesting!

It was time to head back to my beach cottage for dinner. But I still hadn’t found any cobalt blue glass. My favorite. “Guardian angel, if it’s really you, I’d love some blue glass.”

I had to laugh at myself as I started up the cottage steps with my final request unanswered. I bent down to wipe the sand from my toes. There, partially hidden in the seaweed, was…well, I’m sure you can guess by now.

Today I call my collection angel glass, and each time I look at it I remember that wonderful walk on the beach. The walk with my guardian angel.

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