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Angels on Facebook

Angels on Earth Editor-in-Chief Colleen Hughes reflects on how social media has helped the magazine.

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We all make mistakes.

When I was an editorial assistant I used to stay up nights worrying about typos I hadn’t caught or facts I hadn’t rechecked. Readers depended on me to do a thorough job, and I didn’t want to let them down.

Now as editor-in-chief my responsibility is to readers and contributors alike. It’s a big deal to be published in America’s only magazine devoted to angels! I want the experience to be one our contributors will remember forever. Every page in the magazine was to be perfect.

Of course it doesn’t always happen that way. We made a mistake in a recent issue, and to me it was a mistake of the worst kind. We published the wrong byline on Jo Donofrio’s “Angels in Bloom” story. She was gracious when we called, but I wanted to set the record straight. How could I reach as many people as possible—and fast?

An on-the-ball editorial assistant (like I used to be) had today’s answer: Facebook! We were able to go right onto the Angels on Earth page and tell our 2,153 friends what had happened. We posted Jo’s story with the right byline this time, and I could count on the Angels friends to get the word out to those who weren’t online. Instant correction! What a godsend!

If you haven’t already, go to Facebook.com/angelsonearth. Log in if you have a Facebook account; sign up if you don’t. Then click the “like” icon.

You can join in the conversation, and get the latest blogs from Sophy Burnham, Joan Wester Anderson and me. Share your hopes and dreams with other angel lovers, and read more angel stories while waiting for your next Angels magazine to come in the mail.

Join us on the Angels on Earth Facebook page to enjoy angels 24/7, or just in case I make another mistake you need to know about.    

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