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Earth Angels

A love of the Earth inspires an angelic undertaking with these sun catchers.

Earth angels sun catchers
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Earth angels.

That’s what I like to call folks who take good care of the planet.

My husband, Mark, and I, and our two children, try to do our part. We recycle and conserve water and energy. We’ve traded plastic shopping bags for cloth sacks. Our pets—three cats and one dog—are rescues. At the school where I teach art I encouraged my students to conserve too.

But a few years back I got to wondering, Was there a more creative way for me to help?

That’s when we took a family vacation to Arizona. During a day trip to the Hopi Reservation, I was mesmerized by a woman weaving a dream catcher—a willow hoop filled with a web of string, covered in feathers and beads.

Back home in Virginia it hit me: I could make dream catchers from things that might otherwise be garbage. Driftwood, broken jewelry, seashells, wire, a broken mug. The finishing touch? Colorful pieces of glass. My dream catchers became sun catchers.

These days when something breaks around the house, I weave it into a sun catcher. So far, I’ve made over 200 sun catchers. They cover every window.

When the sunlight dances off the glass, I’m reminded of all the creative ways we can make the world a greener, more angelic, place to live.

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