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Everyday Angels: The Emergency Call

“You are needed in the nursery!” An everyday angel is called into action.

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Hi, I’m Colleen Hughes, editor-in-chief of “Angels on Earth,” with a true story of an everyday angel from Les Lewis of Medford, New Jersey. Angels come to us every day as a neighbor, an unexpected rescuer, a kind stranger, or a loyal pet. Listen now to a story of just such an everyday angel. 

Having just returned from his 4:00 AM maintenance check at the hospital, Les sat down to do some paperwork. Then out of nowhere, he heard an announcement. You are needed in the nursery. 

He glanced up at the PA speaker, but the instruction hadn’t come from there. Why would he be needed in the nursery? You are needed in the nursery. 

He hurried upstairs. All the nurses were busy, so Les walked up and down the rows of babies. He was about to leave when an infant caught his attention. The baby’s face was blue, and he was having trouble breathing. 

“Mary,” he called to one of the nurses, “this one’s in trouble.” Mary rushed to the crib. She cleaned the infant’s nose and mouth. Instantly, the baby’s breathing improved. “I’m glad you decided to come by,” she said. But it hadn’t been his idea at all. 


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