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Thinking Ahead

The Angels on Earth editor-in-chief is working ahead on a bimonthly magazine.

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You work way ahead of the calendar on a bimonthly magazine. We’re just wrapping up the May/June issue here at ANGELS ON EARTH, and sometimes I forget what time of year it is.

I wake up thinking I forgot to send my daddy a Father’s Day card, or that I have to text Mama for Mother’s Day. You see, she got a fancy new cell phone and is wild about texting. “Makes me feel young!” she says.

So on a cold, rainy March day in New York, I get to think about putting together our next issue, July/August. Summer is my favorite time of year, and it’s just around the corner, thank goodness. Except that means I also have a birthday coming up.

On July 17 I’ll be another year older. Yikes! Maybe it’s high time I start texting too. I have a cell phone and can learn all the shorthand and abbreviations from my 12-year-old daughter. It works for Mama, why not for me. TTLY!


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Colleen Hughes is the editor-in-chief of ANGELS ON EARTH magazine, a GUIDEPOSTS publication. She’s been at GUIDEPOSTS for 20 plus years, and lives in a Hudson River town with her two daughters and two cats.

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