Faith vs. Science?
How faith and science can both be true—and how one teenager knew his life here on earth was significant.
When we contemplate the afterlife, we might imagine a paradise of angels and loved ones who have gone before us–a blissful place. Imagining the beauty of heaven can be of great comfort at a time of grief, offering hope that life after death is not just a wish but a promise fulfilled.
How faith and science can both be true—and how one teenager knew his life here on earth was significant.
In the garage he found mementos that reminded him of moments—big and small—from their long and happy relationship.
She lost her son just days after Christmas. Then a special angel helped her begin the healing process.
She was in a loveless marriage and battling depression, until an NDE showed her God’s unconditional love.
After she crossed over to the heavenly realm, she was greeted with a deep love that made her purpose in life clear.
These inspiring firsthand accounts of heaven shed light on the peace, glory and love that awaits us in the afterlife.
After his own close brush with death, an author seeks to understand life after death.
After two tragic family deaths, her dreams assured her that her loved ones were happy in heaven.
After a loss, struggling with where a loved one has gone.
When we finally pass on from this world to the next, what awaits us? Departed family members? A choir of angels? As long as people have strived for heaven, they’ve wondered what it will be like. Can we even imagine something so wonderful? Over the years, writers, theologians and philosophers have tried. And we’ve collected their thoughts.
Learn about heaven from people who experienced life after death during near-death experiences.
Psychiatrist Bruce Greyson devotes much of his time studying what awaits us in the afterlife and shares his research findings.