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8 Strange, Divinely Sent Dreams

Why even the most puzzling dreams can be messages from God.
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I’ve always had strange dreams. They’re not the kind where I’m late for a high school math test or I lose my car keys. They’re weird, surreal things I can barely remember the next morning. It’s hard to imagine that they mean anything. But, sometimes, even the most puzzling dreams can be messages from God.

Below are stories of some of the weirdest dreams that turned out to be more than they first seemed. Bizarre, yes, but also divinely inspired.

1. A Little Boy’s Lifesaving Dream
For weeks, Angie Curley’s three-year-old son had been having the same recurring dream—a nightmare about a bald man called Bramble, who stood in the backyard, staring into the little boy’s bedroom window. Bramble never tried to hurt her son in the dreams, but it still terrified him. What did it all mean?
Find out by reading Angie’s story.

2. A Dream Brings Comfort to Strangers
Penny Danielson had an alarming dream. She was in a house, and it was filling up with water. Water gushing through the front door, pooling around her ankles. I have to get help, she thought. Then she saw him. A little baby boy, sitting in the middle of the room atop a pillow, without a care in the world. He was about seven months old, chewing on his hand as if he was teething. His jet black hair hung over his ears, elf-like. The water swirled around him without ever making contact. As if some invisible force were shielding him. He sat there and stared, completely at peace. And somehow, Penny knew his name. Marcos…
Find out what this strange dream meant.

3. A Healing Dream
When Kathy Black got the call telling her that her father had passed away, it wasn’t a shock. Her father had been struggling with alcoholism for years. He’d been homeless, bouncing from shelter to shelter. Kathy had always longed to bridge the gap between them, to fix their relationship. Now, that would never happen. In the weeks that followed, Kathy was wracked with guilt and sadness. Until she had a dream…
Read about Kathy’s dream.

4. The Dream House
Susan Fawcett had the strangest dream. In it, she was having tea with Queen Elizabeth. They were sitting in a real English garden with mums and roses, and a trellis with a lovely clematis vine. There was a fishpond full of golden koi. The koi started jumping up and flipping around in the pond. And then a mermaid leapt out of the water.
The dream was so off-the-wall that it stuck with her, popping into her mind at the oddest times. Then she realized what it meant…
Read the rest of Susan’s story.

5. Dreams That Led to a Calling
Janis Peters kept having powerful dreams that stuck with her long after she awoke. Vivid dreams, dreams that felt real. Once, she dreamt of a man with scars on his face, whose skin regenerated before her eyes. Another time, she dreamt of touching the hand of a woman with no fingers and watching, awestruck, as they grew back. And in her most recent dream, she received a message…
Find out what Janis’s dreams were telling her.

6. The Dream That Saved Her from Danger
Before work one day, Phyllis took a quick nap and had a bizarre dream. In it, she was searching for something, but she didn’t know what. She was frantic, but she didn’t know why. “Lift the lid on the third box,” she heard a calm voice say. She did as she’d been directed. Inside was the thing she’d been looking for, though she still couldn’t see what it was…
Learn how this dream might have saved Phyllis from danger.

7. Who Was the Mystery Woman in His Childhood Dreams?
Charles Edward Carver’s childhood dreams were vivid, like sensory overload. They always took place amid lush, green hills. A soothing tune would drift through the dream, like a movie soundtrack. And, there before him, Charles would see a woman in a chiffon gown. Her smile made her glow. With her arms outstretched, she’d call for him: “Eddy!” A nickname only a few people knew.
The woman looked familiar, with curly brown hair and deep blue eyes. Charles felt like he recognized her voice, too. But who was she?
Find out who the woman was and what she meant to Charles.

8. The Otherworldly Dream That Gave Her Hope
Patricia Small had a lifelong fear of water. She couldn’t even swim. But in her dream, she approached an otherworldly pool. The surface was completely clear. She felt that there was no danger of drowning there. The water was extremely buoyant, and unnaturally still. She stood and swept her arms from side to side, enjoying the silky feeling of it against her skin. The temperature was perfect, as if it had been prepared just for her.
She closed her eyes, eased onto her back, and floated there. All of her tension and fear left her, and she was finally at peace…
Read the rest of the story here.

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