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Aspire to Inspire Others

Inspiration to share your story with Mysterious Ways magazine.

Aspire to inspire others
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
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A few months ago, I worked on an article for Mysterious Ways called “Heaven’s Hellos,” all about messages and signs people received from loved ones in Heaven.

One of the writers featured in the article was Rosemary Kuhn, an author and frequent contributor to Guideposts. She wrote about a beautiful sign in the clouds that let her know her daughter in heaven was okay.

After the story was published, Rosemary sent me an email. Apparently, she’d experienced another mysterious ways as a result of the story. Here’s Rosemary’s account of what happened: 

“Because of the ‘Heaven’s Hellos’ article I was reconnected with a former neighbor Jean, who is living out of state and in her 80s. I had lost touch with her for 40 years, but recently had been thinking of her and wondering how she was doing. She had always been a very nurturing person and had been a spiritual mentor to me when I was in my 20s.

“Well, unbeknownst to me, Jean read my story in Mysterious Ways magazine and just loved it. She called directory assistance to get my number. She shared with me that she had lost a son unexpectedly and how the article had helped her.

“What’s funny is that Jean bought me my first subscription to Guideposts in the 1970s. I still get that magazine now, along with Angels on Earth and Mysterious Ways. It was those magazines that inspired me to write and submit my own inspirational stories. So, in a way, our story came full circle–Jean first inspired me with Guideposts, and then I inspired her with my own story some 40 years later!

Perhaps each person who reads an article is mysteriously touched in a different way depending on their personal experiences.

Thank you for including my story. We all must ‘aspire to inspire.’”

Aspire to inspire! I have to agree. There’s no way of knowing just how our stories touch one person or even thousands.

So what are you waiting for? Email your “mysterious ways” story to us at or share it with us at Facebook.com/MysteriousWays. You never know what it might lead to!

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