Beautiful Sun

A special friendship between a woman and her horse is captured on camera.

Dana Apple and her horse, BeauSoleil

“When I grow up, I’m gonna live in the country. I’m gonna have a bunch of dogs, cats…and a horse.”

That’s what Dana Apple told her parents when she was a little kid growing up in Kansas City. And it’s a promise she kept. Today she’s an animal law professor and lives in Missouri on a seven-acre farm, where she keeps five dogs, four cats, one horse and a countless number of strays who stop by unannounced!

Dana Apple and her horse, BeauSoleilDana loves all of her “four-legged children,” but none quite like her horse BeauSoleil, who passed away last year. She met BeauSoleil when she first moved to the country nearly 15 years ago.

At the time, Dana was still a city girl, unsure around horses. BeauSoleil was wild, untamed and wary of humans. But, little by little, Dana and BeauSoleil formed a friendship.

She named him BeauSoleil, which means “Beautiful Sun” in French, and the two of them found their way together. They just had a bond. A special connection that was even captured on camera.

You see, every fall, Dana’s cousin Rhonda–a photographer–visits the farm to take photos of the animals, which she then compiles into a calendar as a Christmas gift for Dana.

Three years ago, Rhonda took about 20 photos of the animals, including three of Dana and BeauSoleil. Dana had to feed BeauSoleil Froot Loops (his favorite treat) just to keep him still!

When Rhonda returned home and reviewed the photos, she noticed something peculiar. The three photos of Dana and BeauSoleil were all marked. It wasn’t a glare, exactly. No, it was an almost otherworldly glow. Right between the two of them. None of the other photos in the batch were affected.

Could it have been a sun spot? Maybe. But, for Dana, it was a little miracle. A very visible symbol of the love between her and her horse–like beautiful sunlight. Something so strong, even the camera picked it up.

Have you ever experienced a miracle involving a beloved animal? Share your story below.

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