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Finding God in the Darkness

How to deepen your faith in God in dark times.

Finding God's Grace
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

When times are hard and we feel as if nothing is going our way, we may give up all hope. But it is in these times that our faith can either suffer or grow stronger. The choice is up to us. In dark times, we can rediscover or deepen our faith and rekindle our relationship with God if we choose to. Finding God can happen in surprising ways.

Brian Houston, founder and pastor of the Global Hillsong Church and author of There Is More: When the World Says You Can’t, God Says You Can, shared a story about a man from Australia who found himself at the end of his rope. He was in the midst of a painful divorce, and when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, he was diagnosed with cancer. The man became so depressed that he decided to commit suicide by jumping off a mountain. However, on his way up the mountain, he encountered heavy traffic due to people directing cars to the Hillsong church for an event. This struck the man’s curiosity so he decided to check it out. At the church, he listened to music and words of hope and love. He quickly realized there was a solution to his problems. On his way to end it all, he encountered the grace and love of God. Instead of ending his life that day, he decided to begin truly living.

We all face difficult times in life, but it is how we react to these times that truly matters. When it feels that things couldn’t get any worse, we must remember to turn to the Lord. When we place our trust fully in the Lord, our faith grows deeper, our relationship with Him grows stronger, and we witness the miracles that only He can make happen.

How do you go about finding God?

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