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How to Read God’s Signs

Readers respond to our question: “What makes something a sign from God?” Everyone had a different take. But—like the old adage for finding love—when you know, you know.

Earlier this month, I asked your help in figuring out what makes something a sign from God and not just wishful thinking. I was blown away (as usual!) by your responses—including some stunning photos of visual signs you’ve received.   

Of course, everyone had a slightly different take on messages from above. But there was a common theme that emerged from your answers…don’t overthink it!

Like the old adage for finding love—when you know, you know.

That practical advice really cleared things up for me. Maybe signs don’t require a ton of analysis or back-and-forth internal debate. But rather, an intuition or gut feeling that what you’ve experienced has come from God. And a leap of faith. Even if your sign doesn’t seem like a sign to anyone but you.

Check out this slideshow to see how your fellow readers answered the question “How can you spot a sign from God?” Plus, don’t forget to weigh in with your thoughts—and photos—below! –Diana Aydin

A cloud in the sky can reflect our hopes.

1 of 13 Pie in the Sky

“Timing, accuracy, and your ‘sense’ of it. A while back, I was driving home on the interstate, thinking about a project I’ve dreamed about for a long time. I told myself, ‘That’s just pie in the sky.’ I turned onto the rural state highway toward home, looked up, and saw a perfectly piece-of-pie-shaped cloud.” —Dana Apple

The simplest gesture can touch our hearts.

2 of 13 A Simple Gesture

“Sometimes I believe God uses the simplest, the commonest of his creation: a bird or butterfly, a cloud, tree or flower, a person or animal, to touch our hearts. This sends a YES! flowing through our souls.” —Pat Newby 

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Open yourself up to seeing a sign from God.

3 of 13 Saying 'Yes' to a Sign

“If I see/feel/hear something and think it might be a sign from God, I like to make the decision to assume it definitely IS a sign from God.” —Ginny Mclaughlin

Another miraculous sunrise

4 of 13 Each and Every Dawn

“Sunrise! I was blessed to grow up on the east coast. More blessed that every Easter brought a sunrise service along the shore. This message was not lost. Thankful I am an early riser, not one dawn passes without reminder of the SONrise. Not a day goes by He does not metaphorically remind us of what He did for us. ‘Take a deep breath Emily, Jesus died for us, it’s not for us to be perfect, it’s for us to prayerfully try to do our best.’ I rely on His messages, especially SONrise, to fill me with the peace to remember daily He is looking out for us!” —Nomadic Aunty Em

A sign from God? Tree limbs growing in the shape of a heart.

5 of 13 God Hearts Us

“God will do certain things in our life which will absolutely astound and amaze us. Many times these happenings are absolutely incredible, but unfortunately most people will say that these things are just due to pure luck. But the true believer can see the hand of God written all over these occurrences and realizes that they are just another way that God uses to communicate with us.” —Ian Campbell

Coins in a fountain; signs from God.

6 of 13 No Coincidence

“When it seems like a coincidence it’s really God.” —MaryAlice Duran-Abbott

When God shows the way.

7 of 13 Showing the Way

“I often struggle with this too, wondering if it’s really God or just my own mind. However, there are times I know God is with me or sending a sign, particularly on a close call in traffic. That’s when I realize God is saying, ‘I’m here with you.’” —Greg

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A sign from God: palm trees.

8 of 13 A Knowing on My Heart

“He sends me pictures, like palm trees or it will be a knowing on my heart.” —folasade

God often tugs at our hearts while we pray.

9 of 13 A Gentle Tugging

“I feel His presence often and I’m so thankful for it. Sometimes when I’ll begin praying, I’ll feel a gentle tugging at my heart and it brings tears to my eyes (best way I can describe it)” —Gina Fatigato

With God, it all works out.

10 of 13 Falling into Place

 “If God works it out, it will all fall into place so effortlessly and so quickly your head will spin.” —Linda Holmes

You don't have to wonder if it's a sign from God.

11 of 13 No Need to Wonder

“#1 you don’t have to wonder if it’s a sign from God. #2 refer to #1.” —Rhonda Neas 

A singular lily is a sign from God.

12 of 13 A Singular Lily

“I planted one ‘surprise’ lily in my backyard apart from the dozen others in another flower bed. When this lovely solo lily blooms—seemingly ahead of the pack—I feel it is a God-sign. ‘Look around, Mary, notice my beautiful world, even in the small things!’” —Mary Lester 

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When it comes to signs, God knows what works for you.

13 of 13 God Knows What Works for You

“Doesn’t matter. It’s the results that matter. God knows what works for you. If something makes you think it’s a sign from Him, He’s happy that you’re thinking of Him.” —Jean Bradford 

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