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Inspiring Mysterious Ways News

The response to the first two issues of Mysterious Ways magazine has been awesome, really and truly amazing.

Guideposts editor-in-chief Edward Grinnan

There was no blog this weekend because we were up in the country enjoying the early colors of fall, my favorite season, as I’ve written about before. I feel more alive in autumn, more creative, more aware of the world. Everything seems heightened.

I did want to update you on our new Mysterious Ways magazine that I told you we were working on so hard all summer developing fresh new and expanded MW material and an arresting design vision. We’re now putting together the third issue and the response to the first two has been awesome, really and truly amazing. We are so grateful to you all for the way you have responded and supported this exciting new project. Readers seem as excited about the new magazine as we are and that’s been a great experience for me. So thanks.  It must mean that many of you have had experiences in your life, moments of grace and beauty and spiritual surprise that were more than coincidence and could only be explained by the hidden hand of the divine. Experiences that you never forget for as long as you live and often change the course of your life.

You can find Mysterious Ways stories and videos by liking Mysterious Ways on Facebook or by visiting the Mysterious Ways page here at Guideposts.org.

Enjoy the colors and the crisp fall weather!

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