When we asked how do you define a miracle, we got examples both big and small–but all very personal.
Two weeks ago I asked readers one very important question: How do you define a miracle?
Well, I’m happy to report that I got a ton of great responses (seriously, you guys are the best!).
The answers ranged from the very small to the very big. Some readers had one-word definitions, like “Jesus.” Others found miracles in healings from illness, kindness from a stranger or the world’s natural beauty. Regardless, one thing was clear–miracles are extremely personal. Each definition seemed to vary, based on one’s unique relationship with God.
Take a look at the definitions in the slideshow below and see for yourself. In your opinion, which one best captures the concept of a miracle? What would you add to the list? —Diana Aydin
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1 of 12 Taking a Breath
“Breathing in and breathing out. The miracle of life” –Sidni Tacia
“Life is a miracle. Each day we wake up is a miracle. Unexplained gifts and blessing are miracles. They are examples of God’s Divine love and mercy.” –Chris Rickards Pianka
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2 of 12 Surviving Cancer
“A miracle is when your husband is diagnosed with brain cancer, has surgery, goes through chemo and radiation therapy and when he has a post treatment MRI, it is completely clean! God created a miracle with curing him. To God goes the glory!” –JoLayne Berry
“I’m a miracle I survived cancer” –Pamela Jean Sonneborn
“Whenever we are honest or kind with one another.” –Victoria Morrison
“Miracle is the gift of God for us when we make a difference in someone’s life, give a helping hand, be kind and compassionate and every day when we never lose faith and hope.” –Fehmi Aydin
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4 of 12 Sunrise, Sunset
“I like to say that miracles happen all the time in a sunrise, a sunset, a newborn baby’s cry, just a phone call or a card when really need it. God is always there to help us with miracles and angels” –Bobbie Priddy
“For me, miracles are found about anywhere: sunrise, a sunset, clouds, trees, flowers, babies and children, their laughter and smiles, their incredulity with new discoveries. The list goes on and on for me. Miracles are everywhere.” –Dee Brown
“There are miracles all around us. The flowers, the trees, my niece’s daughters… I could go on. The clouds in the sky and the rain that falls down. This world is filled with miracles if only people would see them.” –Mary Baker Meier
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5 of 12 A Giving Person
“A miracle is when your 9-year-old son, who has received $450 in birthday money, from all his friends and family, decides to give it to a nursing student in default of a school loan, so she can go back and finish her nursing degree. And today, 15 years later, he is an R.N. also.” –Marta Altheide
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6 of 12 Little Things
“A miracle to me right now is going day to day, conquering small obstacles life has thrown at me…too many to explain. So as I pray, I ask to conquer another miracle tomorrow. Be it small or large. I will take as many as I can accomplish each day even if it is very small.” –Patty Bloss
“I like ‘personal’ miracles. They are little things that happen to me that let me know how much God loves me, provides for my needs, etc.” –Anne Chancey Dalton
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7 of 12 From Impossible to Possible
“Miracles are gifts from God. When you think something is impossible, and God shows you all things are possible.” –Theresa McKeone Martin
“A miracle is something that happens which cannot be explained in the natural. Truly from God.” –Donna Simoncini
“Sometimes it’s something we need or even someone to talk with when all goes wrong!! There before our eyes it happens!!” –Peggy McKenzie
“Something that happened to you or a loved one. Remember you may not have prayed for it. God knew you needed or wanted for whatever miracle you didn’t know you needed to celebrate” –Phyl Andrijeski
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9 of 12 Children's Smiles
“Miracles–the smiles on the faces of little children!” –Jean Reever
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10 of 12 A Change of View
“That moment that changes your views on everything. God is the best.” –Ceejay Sanders
“Miracles are when years of labour and toil gets crowned by the Lord and all of a sudden things that were falling apart from generations fall in place and everything becomes all right. They are when you know the Lord is with you even in the darkest period of your life.” –Akanksha Srivastava
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11 of 12 No Limits
“Whatever God does.” –Linda Carter
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12 of 12 Beyond Logic
“Something that defies logic and cannot be explained.” –Donna L. Martin
“A miracle is an event or happening that cannot be explained by any natural or scientific consideration; they are supernatural, over and above nature. Because of this, miracles are rightly attributed to God.” –pen44
“A miracle is any unbelievably achieved hurdle that defies all laws of man without question and overwhelms us with renewed undeniable faith. A person with stage four cancer that becomes totally healed after the first set of many treatments and needs no future treatments would be one. Or someone that was injured and not expected to live or live normally, when in fact they do, would be another. They remind us how wonderful life can be with total faith and guidance led by the hand of God that is there for the sincerest asking. Belief and unceasing prayer to God is everything that we need to produce miracles in our own lives.” –Pam