5 True Hollywood Stories Too Incredible for the Movies
For five Hollywood stars, unexpected wonders burst through the veneer of everyday life and provided a very real glimpse of something even more powerful.
God’s grace surrounds us all. Sometimes we see it through everyday miracles that take our breath away. The grace of God can be a shelter from the tumult of the world, a comforting reminder that grace is a free gift given so generously to each of us.
For five Hollywood stars, unexpected wonders burst through the veneer of everyday life and provided a very real glimpse of something even more powerful.
Actor Matt Damon, exhausted the shooting schedule of his new movie, had to be dragged out for a night on the town. He came to be very glad indeed that he gave in.
Actor Mark Ruffalo dreamed he had a brain tumor, but he had no idea that growth would be a gift.
While in the grips of addiction to cocaine and other substances, Richard Dreyfuss’ life was turned around by visits from a child no one else could see.
I’m not giving up on those 12 miracles I wrote down last year. God’s working on them behind the scenes. In the meantime, I’m going to make a new list to open in 2016. Not to measure my progress. But so I can see how God surprises me!
It’s nearly unbelievable what mankind has been able to achieve when we reach for the stars. And even more surprising what we find up there. I can’t wait to learn what New Horizons space probe reveals about Pluto and the icy bodies beyond. What do you think we’ll find?
A year ago, three editors at Mysterious Ways each wrote down 12 things they trusted God to do in their lives—a list of miracles waiting to happen. They sealed their lists in three separate envelopes and put the future date, 7/7/15, on each one. Here’s how the year turned out, miracle-wise.
It was as if God whispered, “Your life is just like that. If you’ll walk in My footsteps, I’ll guide you—and as long as you keep following in My footsteps, your journey will be much easier.”
God uses everything around us, even something as simple as the change in our wallets, to connect us with one another. To remind us of the power of love.
When we asked you, our readers, to tell us what defines a miracle, the answers varied, but all were personal.
When we asked how do you define a miracle, we got examples both big and small–but all very personal.
In a story Janis Heaphy Durham wrote for the August/September 2015 issue of Mysterious Ways, she shares the story of a promise her husband, Max, made to her shortly before he died.