Spring is right around the corner. I anticipate its arrival.
It brings many wonderful things I love to photograph in God’s nature like flowers, butterflies and my favorite–hummingbirds! I enjoy the fresh spring air and being outdoors and in fellowship with Him as I am out shooting.
This particular day, I found these gorgeous flowers and knew I wanted to photograph them. I was drawn to their alluring color.
As I photographed the flowers, I wanted to make sure I captured the simple beauty also found in the raindrops on their petals. Isn’t the flower beautiful?
In as much as the Lord created all the beauty we see in nature, He created us in His image and in fellowship with Him. His love for us is so very deep, and He cares for us immensely! Yet, so many people live their lives fretting about a tomorrow we aren’t even promised.
I like how Luke stated this verse: “And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” (Luke 12:28, NLT)
Why do we have so little faith?
I challenge you this week to ask the Lord to help you see the raw beauty of creation through His eyes. The answer might even come through a different sense–the sound of a bird’s joyful song, the smell of a sweet aroma, the touch of a newborn baby’s skin or the smile of a loved one.
What did you experience?
Location: The State Botanical Garden of Georgia