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What Makes Our Guideposts Staffers Feel Awe?

Awe is one of humankind’s most powerful states of being. Studies show it has the ability to strengthen your faith, improve your health—even change your perceptions of time. Here are all the ways, big and small, that the Guideposts staff experiences awe.

Awe is one of humankind’s most powerful states of being. Studies show it has the ability to strengthen your faith, improve your health—even change your perceptions of time. Most people associate the powerful feeling with extraordinary experiences, but it often appears in the more routine parts of everyday life—a recent study by psychologist Amie Gordon showed that the average person is in awe at least twice a week! Here are all the ways, big and small, that the Guideposts staff experiences awe.

Night sky: Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Kaylin Kaupish, Mysterious Ways Assistant Editor

“Nothing fills me with more awe than the night sky. Sitting under the stars makes me feel so small in comparison to the cosmos. But it’s not a bad feeling. It’s incredibly uplifting—like I know where my place is.”

A woman in awe looking at famous paintings in a museum. Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Rick Hamlin, Guideposts Senior Editor

“I’m in awe of what great painters can do. Stand up close to a Sargent, a Van Gogh, a Rembrandt, and you just see blobs of paint. Step back and you see an image. A great artist will show you how many colors there are in the ocean and the sky.”

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Gracie the Dog: : Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Edward Grinnan, Guideposts Editor-in-Chief

“I am in awe of the wisdom of Gracie and I aspire to connect with nature as she does.”

A young girl smiling during the Autumn season. Looking at my kids: Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Lisa Guernsey, Copy Editor

“Looking at my kids. I can’t believe I helped make them—a sentiment easier to come by when they’re being smart, funny and obedient then when they’re misbehaving, of course!”

Sky at Sunset : Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Allison Churchill, Guideposts Editor

“The sky, particularly at sunset, always makes me feel awe, since it’s always changing. One stand out to me in particular—it happened last year, when I went to Coney Island to think after a stressful day, and the sky really put on a show.”

Beautiful Song:  woman singing along to music on her car radio. Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Elena Tafone, Mysterious Ways Associate Editor

“Never underestimate the power of a beautiful song. Nothing is more awe-inspiring for me than the emotions that music can elicit from a listener, how series of notes can bring you from sorrow to joy. It’s just incredible.”

The Vastness of Creation: A tree canopy. Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Hilary Ribons, Mysterious Ways Senior Editor

“I always feel awe when I am faced with the vastness of creation. Looking out at the seemingly endless ocean. Being in the forest, surrounded by trees. Overlooking the Grand Canyon. Anything that reminds me that I’m both really small, and an important part of this beautiful world.”

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The Power of Love: An elderly couple holding hands during the Autumn season. Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Sara Touzard, Mysterious Ways Intern

“When I see an elderly couple holding hands or saying I love you to one another, I feel awe. It’s a wonderful sight to see. It shows me the power of love— how it can endure.”


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Megan Troise, All Creatures Senior Editor

“When I witness my kids experience something new, and I realize, ‘Wow, they’ve never see this, felt this, heard this…’ It’s pretty amazing.”

A pink and lavender sunrise on the lake. Mysterious Ways Editors Share what makes them feel awe inspiration miracles gods grace

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Mari Pack, Guideposts Editor

“I cracked open the door of my camp cabin in rural Ontario on the first morning of my vacation. I walked across to Elephant Lake, and watched the mist creep across the pink sunrise. Everything – even the loons – seemed in awe of it.”

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