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Lessons from the Dying with Dr. Maria Sirois

Mysterious Ways hosts a live Facebook event about miracles and the terminally ill.

Dr. Maria Sirois
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Awhile back, I blogged about common regrets of the dying as observed by Australian hospice nurse Bronnie Ware—“I wish I didn’t work so hard”; “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings”; “I wish I had stayed in touch with friends”; “I wish that I had let myself be happier.”  

The regrets really resonated with people, which was why Mysterious Wayswas so thrilled to recently connect with psychologist Dr. Maria Sirois, author of Every Day Counts and A Short Course in Happiness After Loss. In her books, Maria recounts the incredible stories and lessons she’s learned from her patients. Take the story of Amelia, a 6-year-old girl with cancer. Amelia was facing a life-saving, yet dangerous, surgery. Maria’s job was to make the little girl feel as prepared as possible for the outcome of the operation. But as Maria got ready to counsel her, Amelia stopped her. 

“God gave me a shield when I got sick,” she told Maria. “It keeps the bad stuff away. It’s right in front of me. If you look at me, you can see it.” 

But there was nothing there.

That’s just one of the many “mysterious ways” that Maria has experienced. She’ll be joining us for a special Facebook Live event to talk more about the miracles she’s witnessed and lessons she’s learned from working with the terminally ill. To join the event, simply visit us at Facebook.com/MysteriousWays on Thursday, January 24 at 3 p.m. ET. 

I hope to see you at the chat! If you’d like to leave a question in advance for Maria, simply comment below or email us.

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