His Humorous and Mysterious Ways
Mysterious Ways stories don’t always have to be deadly serious…
Miracles don’t just come from ancient stories and myths–everyday miracles are all around us, if we only have our eyes open to see them.
Mysterious Ways stories don’t always have to be deadly serious…
Glimpses of heaven happen to us all the time, if only we have eyes to see.
The October/November issue of Mysterious Ways may just be our best yet!
Watch a whale’s joyous reaction to being freed from fishermen’s nets in the Sea of Cortez.
When work gets stressful at Guideposts and Mysterious Ways, I remember our founder, Norman Vincent Peale…
My too-busy brain nearly ruined my volunteer group’s event. But someone had my back.
How did he escape the burning wreckage?
Unexpected encounters can give us a glimpse of God’s love.
For years I’ve helped people tell their mysterious, miraculous stories. Then, I experienced one of my own…
Two dogs, two dramatic rescues. A firefighter saves a dog; a dog saves a family from a fire.
Though her mother was pronounced dead, her family never gave up hope of her returning to them.
A young woman desperately needed his help. But would he find the right words to pull her back from the brink?