Her Dog Detected Her Breast Cancer
Why was her greyhound continuously shoved his nose into her underarm? She soon realized he was trying to tell her something.
Miracles don’t just come from ancient stories and myths–everyday miracles are all around us, if we only have our eyes open to see them.
Why was her greyhound continuously shoved his nose into her underarm? She soon realized he was trying to tell her something.
She had planned a big party, but forgot the main ingredient for her signature dish. Then a mistake turned into a small miracle.
During a day of silence, a Guideposts editor learns to open himself up to hearing from God.
What’s the difference between miracles and magic? It’s a question we asked pastors, authors, and even a few magicians.
Here are eight incredible Mysterious Ways stories that illustrate the powerful connection mothers share with their children.
Two teens prayed for safety while nearly drowning at sea. Then a boat miraculously appeared.
She and her husband were trapped in their van during a devastating twister, but she spotted a penny that assured her they would be all right.
Linda Stratigakis shares how she and her husband managed to emerge from a violent tornado without a scratch.
She had felt guility after her father-in-law passed away.
She had never heard of the patron saint of mercy, but when she visited her shrine in Lithuania she was miraculously healed.
After being forced to part with her beloved dachshund, she feared she would never find the right dog.
An unbearable toothache the night before a trip kept her up with worry, until she decided to let go and trust God.