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Ring Mysteries

In this guest blog, assistant editor Daniel Kessel examines how a simple band of metal can mean so much.

Phyllis Rawlins' wedding ring found after tornado in Kokomo, Indiana. Via Fox 59
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Today’s guest blogger is Mysterious Ways assistant editor Daniel Kessel.

A few weeks back we posed the question, What cherished things have you lost, and then found in a remarkable way? We’ve opened a new Lost and Found board on Pinterest to gather your stories. Over the years, many readers have reported truly amazing tales about one commonly misplaced item: a priceless, beloved ring.

Rings often represent commitment, unity and faith in something higher than ourselves. That’s why losing one can be so painful, and why finding it again–like in the two stories below–is such a blessing.

Digging and Praying
Last week in Kokomo, Indiana, a tornado destroyed Phyllis Rawlins’ home–and everything inside. One loss hurt the most: her wedding ring, especially because Edgar, her husband of 41 years, had passed away last summer.

Looking for that tiny object in the huge pile of debris seemed like an impossible task. But Phyllis was determined. “Digging and praying,” as Phyllis told Fox 59, she led friends and family in the search. Finally her brother spotted something shiny underneath a piece of roof. The wedding ring.

Phyllis said the ring was all she had left to remember Edgar by.

Something Protected Her…
In one of my favorite stories in the December/January issue of Mysterious Ways, Diana Aydin writes about Elizabeth Metzler’s survival in a life-threatening situation. Something seemed to protect her–an Irish Claddagh ring. Here’s a snippet from the story:

“The men shoved Elizabeth into the backseat of her old red two-door Saab. The gunman pushed in next to her, cursing under his breath. The other man climbed into the driver’s seat.

“Whaddya got?” he demanded.

“Only my paycheck,” Elizabeth gasped. She’d just signed it, hoping to find an ATM to make a deposit. The gunman grabbed the check.

“What else you got?” he said. He looked down at the gold ring on her left hand. “Gimme that!” Elizabeth hesitated. She felt the gun press harder into her side. Not my ring, she thought. Anything but my ring…

Why did the ring mean so much to Elizabeth? And how did it help her through what happened? Check out the full story to find out what happens next!

Have you ever found something you thought was gone forever? Whether it was a ring or something else you valued, we want to hear more. Send your story to mw@guideposts.org!

Photo credit: Fox 59 via Yahoo!

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