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Read a Free Excerpt from ‘Pray a Word a Day’—Now Back in Stock!

This bestselling Guideposts devotional centers your prayers around a specific word each day.

Pray A Word A Day devotional prayer practice morning prayers
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

We were thrilled when our new daily devotional, Pray a Word a Day, became a bestseller, with over 40k copies sold! Now, after much anticipation, it is finally back in stock. 

Pray a Word a Day is unlike any other daily devotional. This non-dated, 365-day book invites you to connect with God while giving your prayer practice a fresh boost. Each day’s entry presents a single word—goodness, liberty, longing, silence, whisper and more—as a focal point. The meaning of the word is illuminated with an inspiring quote or Scripture. That is followed by a heartfelt and lighthearted two-minute reflection, then a prayer crafted by one of our gifted Guideposts writers. There is even space for you to jot down your own prayerful reflections around the day’s word.  

Past customers have given Pray a Word a Day 5 stars, calling it “uplifting,” “thoughtful,” and an “excellent spiritual reading to begin your day.” Whether you prefer morning prayers or evening prayers, you’ll be amazed at how this devotional will refresh your prayer life and help you feel spiritually grounded throughout your day. See a free excerpt here: 


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. —Psalm 23:6 KJV 

When I was a little girl, this verse made me very nervous. I thought there were two little old ladies, Shirley Goodness and her friend Mercy, who were going to follow me everywhere!  

Imagine my relief when I learned my mistake. Years later I learned that the original Hebrew word translated as “follow” really means “chase.” Sometimes when I’m feeling sorry for myself, or when I’m unable to forgive myself for a wrongdoing, I think about being “chased” by goodness and mercy. God loves me so much that He sends them out to pursue me. He is merciful toward me when I am not merciful toward myself; He sends goodness to me and instructs it to hurry up! —Michelle 

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your goodness to me—for pursuing me with Your mercy. Amen. 

Centering your prayer and praise around a single word each day will prompt you to think outside of the box. Your prayer time will be more focused, rich, and energized. Only available through Guideposts. Don’t miss this chance to try it today! 

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