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3 Bible Verses to Help You Calm Down

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale shares Scripture and tips to help you ease your anxious thoughts when facing uncertain circumstances.
3 Bible Verses to Help You Calm Down
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People everywhere are tense and on edge. The high tempo of modern life has taken its toll on those unable to adjust to multi-tasking and over-pressurized demands. The following passages and tips teach how to put a quieting hand upon our nervousness.

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:7

Say this verse slowly, letting its melody and meaning fall softly into your thoughts. Take plenty of time to contemplate the vast peace of God, which is so deep and full and kind that we cannot comprehend it. Yet this peace floods into one’s life with such health-giving force that nervousness passes, leaving us calm and in control of ourselves.

I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. —Joshua 1:5

Nervousness is caused many times by insecurity, by self-doubt, by the frightening feeling that you must fight life’s battles alone. What peace and courage this great verse offers you! It reassures you that God will
stand by to help and support and protect throughout your entire life.

Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him. —Psalm 37:7

Form a picture in your mind of the greatness, the kindness, the peace of God. Let yourself grow quiet as you reflect upon God’s enormous goodness. Your strained nerves will then relax because your mind, which controls your nerves, is filled with God’s supreme quietness and love.

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