Those of us who don’t read the Bible in the original languages can’t fully appreciate it, but a number of the Psalms (as well as other Bible passages, such as Proverbs 31) are written in acrostic form.
For example, each verse of Psalm 25 and Psalm 34 begins with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in order. Psalm 119 is also an acrostic poem; the verses in each stanza begin with the same Hebrew letter, starting with alef and concluding with tav, through all twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
If it was good enough for the biblical psalmists, it’s good enough for me. I have often used the alphabet–in my case, the English alphabet–to teach me new ways to pray.
I have often thanked my way through the 26 letters of the alphabet. I have also praised my way from A to Z, and on occasion even used the alphabet to suggest names of people for whom I might not otherwise intercede.
Here is one example:
Thank you, Lord, for…
Aubrey and Aaron, my precious children,
Dreams you’ve made come true,
Every day of life and health so far,
Grins on friends’ faces,
House and home,
Independence and interdependence,
Jesus, my Lord,
Karaoke–just joking, Lord. But also for
Laptop computers,
Moons and seasons, snows and melts,
Pumpkin pie,
Questioning minds,
Robin, my lovely bride and the love of my life,
Sense of humor,
Talks with old friends,
Variety in seasons, schedules and sensations,
Whistles from distant trains,
X-rays that have saved me and those I love from harm,
You, Lord, my shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head,
Zion, your holy mountain, the joy of the whole earth,
in Jesus’ name, amen.
You may not be as informal (or possibly irreverent) as the above. But have you ever used the alphabet as an outline for your prayers? Or are you willing to try it?