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Friends and Family Inspire Guideposts Readers

It’s What Inspires You Wednesday! This week we’d like to share inspiring comments about friends and family from our Facebook page.

Family and friends are a constant source of inspiration for our readers, and many of you told us about them on our Facebook page for this week’s What Inspires You.

Just because our lives are busy doesn’t mean we can’t make time for friends. “Although we are all busy with our children and jobs, my best friends still manage to love me unconditionally,” writes Jackie M Hoffman Wenrich. “We all need friends!” Friends can also be great role models: “Even though my friend Sharron has Stage IV breast cancer, she takes time to think of others,” writes Sandra Howard Mccord. “She also goes above and beyond to help her parents, who are in their 90s.”

Family members can inspire each other across the generations. “My grandson, Garrett, is hearing impaired,” Paulakane Brown writes. “My daughter has worked very hard to make sure he is able to attend a great school. He is doing great. My daughter inspires me for being an awesome mom to all her children.”

Sometimes tough times can bring out the best in people. “My dad, a man who should be enjoying retirement with a grandchild on each knee, is literally in financial ruin right now,” Melissa Kosmin shares. “However, he never ceases to maintain a positive outlook, pointing out to me that as long as we’re alive, there’s hope. He’s a wonderful man and I love him heart and soul.”

Spouses can bring us infinite inspiration. “My soulmate has a positive outlook on almost everything,” writes Bill Pluta. “She is patient, tolerant and understanding. She is my sunshine! I’ll be forever grateful for having met her.”

“My husband inspires me,” writes Louise Wilson. “He is a full-time paramedic and is taking online university courses to become a pastor. He is a great father and husband. We are homeschooling one of our children and he plays a large role in that. He is involved in church activities and is an awesome preacher. He has only been a Christian for about 5 years and his passion and mission to serve the Lord is absolutely amazing to me.”

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