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A Positive Thinking Devotional

Take a peek at the new edition of Norman Vincent Peale’s daily devotional book, Positive Living Day by Day

Positive Thinking blogger Amy Wong
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One of the nicest perks of my job is all the interesting and inspiring books that cross my desk. Those that have a possible story for the magazine, I try to look at right away. The others have to wait until I have a free moment.

Some books are particularly tempting, though, and it’s hard to resist paging through them, even if I have pressing deadlines. This week I gave in to temptation—I have my colleagues at Guideposts Books to blame/thank for this—and took a peek at the Norman Vincent Peale daily devotional Positive Living Day by Day.

Each time I finished editing a story or something else on my to-do list, I read a devotional or two. A good way to reward myself, I figured. And an even better way to keep myself positive and productive, it turned out, because Dr. Peale’s devotionals give simple yet effective positive thinking tips. Here’s a sampling (these aren’t in chronological order because I jumped around the book at random):

Act as if… (October 12) “You can bring about the ideal condition by persistently acting as though that ideal condition already existed,” Dr. Peale writes. Scared about doing something new? Act as though you’re fearless and give it a try. Plagued by negative thoughts? Act as if you’re a positive thinker and slowly you’ll find yourself becoming one.

Take some quiet time. (August 31) Dr. Peale quotes the Indian poet Tagore—“Every day wash your soul in silence”—and suggests that we all set aside a few minutes a day to close our eyes, sit still and be silent. Press pause on all the noise in your life—turn off your cell and computer if you have to—and savor the silence. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

Be grateful. (April 22) Dr. Peale recalls a man named Jim who was going through terrible struggles and yet when he prayed, didn’t ask God for anything but instead thanked him. How come? Dr. Peale asked. “God knows what I need,” Jim replied. “Let me tell you all the wonderful things I have…” Next time you feel down, count your blessings. Don’t you feel better?

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