When my youngest son, John, was a toddler, he became separated from me in a large store. I went from department to department, asking the clerks if they’d seen a little boy in a green and yellow Big Bird shirt. Time and again, they answered, “He was here a few minutes ago, calling for his mommy, but he rushed away before we could help him find you.”
When we finally connected, we agreed that if we ever got separated again, he’d stay right where he was and wait for me to find him. That’s what we need to do when we’re feeling separated from God.
We all have times when our prayers seem to bounce off invisible walls; times when, no matter what we do, we can’t seem to feel the presence of God.
It’s a cold, dark feeling that often makes us either pray more frantically and ineffectively or turn farther away.
What we really need to do is go within, still our clanging thoughts, and wait for God to draw us gently back.
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