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Turn on the Light of Christ

Does your heart glow with the love that comes from serving others?

Devotional writer, Gina Bridgeman
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For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts…—II Corinthians 4:6

Our church had just dedicated a new stained glass window in the sanctuary, high above the altar. In the center is the risen Jesus on a bright, cobalt blue background, His arms outstretched, a golden crown on His head. His robe shimmers with vibrant stripes of emerald, crimson and deep purple.

I was particularly anxious to see the window at night because several other churches in town have stunning windows that are lit after dark. So the first time I drove to church in the evening, I was disappointed to see nothing at all. The lights on the outside of the building didn’t illuminate the window. But the following week, when lights were installed on the inside to shine outward, the stained glass revealed its beauty.

I think of the people I know who shine with the same kind of beauty, most alive with faith: the sisters at a nearby retreat center who maintain the prayer garden I’ve come to cherish, or the man at church who puts in so many hours organizing volunteers and donations for the downtown soup kitchen. Through their service, the light of Christ shines directly out from their hearts—you can’t miss the glow.

At times I might have on all the outside lights, such as attending church and going to Bible study, but can anyone see Christ in me? It’s not until I turn on the light of Christ’s love inside my heart, through serving someone else, that the full beauty of that love can be seen.

Lord, bless the faithful whose first thought is to serve You by serving others. Daily they inspire me to do the same.

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