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Where Faith Becomes Real

Jesus doesn’t always guide us though signs…sometimes He speaks directly to our hearts.

Hands holding sand in a heart-shape to symbolize Jesus' love for us
Credit: Creativemarc
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But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.” Exodus 3:11–12 (NLT)

Wouldn’t it be easy if Jesus guided us by way of signs? “Lord, show me the man I’m going to marry by having him wear a red polka-dot shirt on our first meeting.” Or, “Lord, let me know if this is the right job for me by having the interviewer clear his throat as he introduces himself.”

It would be easier, don’t you think, to know exactly what Jesus is asking you to do? In the Bible Jesus was gracious enough to lead some people by signs, but it’s not normally the way He works.

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In Exodus, God told Moses He was going to give Him a sign, and it most likely wasn’t what Moses expected. In Exodus 3:12, God tells Moses that the “sign” would be his success. God wasn’t going to give Moses something to look at now, but rather something he’d experience later…when the job was done.

As an author, I find that Jesus’ spirit often speaks to my heart, “I see the finished book on the shelf.” To the worried mom who’s concerned about her pregnancy Jesus may whisper to her heart, “I see you snuggling your child to your chest.” We want something to cling to now—a tangible hope—yet Jesus points us to a fulfilled future. He asks us to trust Him, trust He can see the future, and to take the first step.

Faith Step: Find a 3-by-5 card and write: Action is where faith becomes real. Below that write down one step of faith that Jesus is asking you to take.

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