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Devotion for a Busy Day

In this daily devotion, Guideposts editor-in-chief shares why taking a moment to spend time with God is important—especially during a hectic day.

Edward Grinnan, Guideposts editor-in-chief
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May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17 (NIV)

Spring has sprung in New York City, or more accurately pounced, with temperatures predicted to reach the eighties today and the nineties tomorrow. Debates about global warming aside, that’s more like summer. Just last week the temperatures were dipping into the thirties at night, and folks were bemoaning what a cold spring we were having. My wife Julee left me a note on the fridge this morning, reminding me to clean the air conditioner filters.

Today I have a lot to do (in addition to those filters): Go to the gym, take winter clothing to the cleaners for storage (closet space is at a premium in New York City), pick up a few things for a business trip on Monday, pay bills (least favorite chore), take Millie to dog park (most favorite chore) and pick up dog food (Millie’s favorite chore), shop for groceries, drop car off for servicing. And since I haven’t gotten to any of them yet, I’m feeling a sense of urgency verging on panic.

Yet in this season of getting things done, taking a minute to give thanks for the blessing of a busy day is not a bad idea. Yes, we all feel overwhelmed and hopelessly behind at times. There are moments when I feel I will never catch up. But the fact that there is so much for me to do, that my days are so packed with life is a gift, a form of grace.

As hectic as things sometimes seem, God, let me never forget that You are always at the center of my day. Thank You for the gift of being busy.

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