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Live a Life Free from Fear

A woman learns not to let her fears hold her back in this preview from Mornings with Jesus 2019.

A woman learns not to let her fears hold her back in this preview from Mornings with Jesus 2019.
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For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

The rules for the dolphin pool were clear: Let them come to you; only touch them if they swim alongside the edge in a way that allows you to stroke their side or back. I prayed that one would swim close enough for me to touch it, even if my fingertips only brushed its skin.

As I waited, I prayed that fear would not hold me back from seizing the opportunity when it finally came. I have battled fear my entire life. My phobias of water used to drive my poor mom and dad crazy. In the past, I would not have dipped my hand into any pool containing large sea creatures. But I had come a long way in my fight against fear, and today, I was determined to touch a dolphin.

Just when I was about to tell my family, “We can go. I guess it isn’t meant to be,” I heard my mom gasp, “Jeanette!” as a dolphin sailed through the water toward me. I plunged my hand in and felt the firm silk of its back all the way down to its tail. I could hardly breathe.


“That was the coolest thing ever!”

Thank You, Jesus.

Fear had caused me to miss out on a lot in my life, but not that day. If we belong to Jesus, we live under the protection of the One Who can help us overcome our fears, Who can celebrate with us as we do, and Who can provide the freedom that comes from refusing to be afraid.

Faith Step: What have you missed out on because you were afraid? Write down one thing you would like to do that requires overcoming a fear. Ask Jesus for the courage and opportunity to do it.

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