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Turn Negative Thoughts into Prayers

A devotion to help you fill your mind with God’s perfect peace.

Tips to Turn Negative Thinking into Prayer
Credit: LiudmylaSupynska
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The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace, [because] the sinful mind is hostile to God. Romans 8:6-7 (NIV)

How would you describe the state of your mind? I’ll be honest–I struggle with mine. It easily recalls conversations with difficult people. “Remember what that woman said three years ago? Well, she probably meant such-and-such. You should have told her a thing or two!”

It also tries to convince me that I’m not good enough. It reminds me of past failures and says they determine my identity. And it sometimes insists I know better than God how to fulfill His purposes.

When my mind pulls these stunts, I respond with a prayer: “God, fill and control me with Your Holy Spirit. Drench every part of me, especially my mind. I ask this in the power of Jesus’s name. Amen.”

I also recall Scripture verses or sing a praise song to turn my thoughts toward the Lord. What happens? The struggle subsides, and peace prevails. That shouldn’t surprise me because Scripture says that the Spirit-controlled mind is life and peace.

I’ve been honest with you. Now it’s your turn to be honest. What’s the state of your mind? What negative or inappropriate thoughts have run through it recently? Have you allowed them to linger, or have you fought the battle with the means God has provided?

Faith step: Each time a negative or impure thought comes to mind, turn it immediately to prayer: “Father, thank You that Your Holy Spirit lives in me. By His power I have victory over this thought. Replace it now with truth. In Jesus’s name, amen.” Then recite a Scripture verse or sing a praise song to put your mind where it ought to be–focused on the Lord.

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