What Are Your Spiritual Magnets?
Ask Jesus to help you prepare a special place to meet with Him.
Ask Jesus to help you prepare a special place to meet with Him.
When you’re uncertain about something, be honest with Jesus.
He illuminates our life with His forgiveness, love, and protection.
Before the day’s end, make sure someone who needs hope sees it in and hears it from you.
Rest in the knowledge that you are deeply loved.
Turn to Scripture to help you hear His guidance in your life.
Escaping now and again to a quiet place is good for both body and soul.
Give your problems to Jesus and trust Him with the outcome.
Joy is knowing that Jesus is with you, wherever you go.
Whatever words you use to pray urgently, things happen in heaven and earth when you call on Jesus.
Confide your deepest longings and share what is troubling your mind.