Scripture for Encouragement

Jesus fills your heart with His right Word at the right time.

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Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

I read the Bible each morning. God’s Word supplies me with wisdom and encouragement throughout my day. For a time, I understood Bible reading as a ritual that only fortified my spiritual growth; a personal pursuit that benefited only me. But I learned otherwise when a friend called me in a panic: her daughter, a recent college graduate, wanted to travel around the world for a year.

I asked Jesus to give me a Scripture of encouragement. Proverbs 22:6 bubbled up in my soul, and I shared it. The Message Bible translation says, “Point your kids in the right direction—when they’re old they won’t be lost.”

I reminded my friend that she had raised her child under the banner of Christ and in the admonition of the Lord. As a new college graduate, the young woman was surely prone to making immature choices. However, the Word promised that in due season, the child would return to her parents’ wise instruction.

“Be encouraged!” I reminded my friend that her daughter loved Jesus and in Him, the future was secure. My friend thanked me for the gift of Proverbs 22:6. And in that moment, I thanked Jesus for saturating my heart with His right Word at the right time. I have come to understand that the Bible is refreshing like “living water.” While it quenches my spiritual thirst, it helps me offer refreshment to others too.

Faith Step: Today during your morning devotion time, memorize a Bible verse to share with friends in their time of need.

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