Mother’s Day Devotion

An anxious mom’s worries are comforted by a blessed moment.

Credit: KallieJoPhotography

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness…—II Peter 1:3 (NIV)

“Here you go, Mom!” the nurse said. It was two hours after my C-section and I was about to see my son for the first time. His high-pitched cries grew louder as the nurse brought him to me. Oh no, I thought, what have I gotten myself into?

“Here’s Mom,” the nurse said putting him into my arms. A wrinkled red face looked up at me. As I laid his head on my chest, the word mom stuck in my mind. I didn’t feel much like a mom. Would I be a good one? Would I have the answers, know how to stop his crying, be able to put him to sleep?

He was warm in my arms, snug in a white-pink-and-blue-striped blanket. He squinted up at me. I was so caught up in looking down at this baby I had imagined and anticipated for months that I didn’t notice the silence.

The perfect Mother’s Day Gift: Women’s Devotional Bible

“Isn’t that something,” the nurse said. “He hasn’t stopped crying since we took him from the OR and now look at him, so happy. He knows his mama.”

A calm reassurance covered me. Trust this, I thought. Trust this beautiful little boy who knew you as his mother even before you did.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me all I need to be Solomon’s mom.

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