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What Are You Giving Jesus This Christmas?

Devotional writer, Heidi Gaul shares her precious and irreplaceable gift.

A Nativity painting in Vienna; Getty Images
Credit: sedmak

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11 (NIV)

Christmas is almost here. Many of us are spending time shopping for gifts for loved ones. Some are baking, some are volunteering, and some are decorating. That’s what I’m doing this week. As my husband and I set up our white porcelain nativity set, my hand rests on one of the wise men. He’s traveled a long way and is tired, but he’s kneeling before the infant King, a look of deep reverence on his face. He’s holding an urn, stretching his arms toward Jesus. The other wise men seem expectant, eager as children to present Him with their treasures. In his bed of straw, Jesus is napping. I sigh as I rearrange a few of the animals and push the wise men closer. This is peace.

Soon we’ll begin our family traditions. Baking day is important. As all of us crowd the kitchen, scooping flour and adding extracts, laughter draws us closer. Then we’ll handstamp our wrapping paper and tags, stealing an opportunity to slow down and be creative. We’ll attend the Christmas Eve candlelight service and share a German apple puff pancake on Christmas morning.

But this year, I want to give Jesus something. Something precious and irreplaceable, something worth more than gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Something beyond tithing and even volunteering. I’m anticipating how much this gift will please Him. Because I plan to give Him everything this season. All my hopes, dreams, talents, and trust. All my love. All of me. Every single bit. Just like He did for me.

Faith Step: You can give everything to Jesus. What have you held back? Give Him every bit of you. That’s exactly what He wants!

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