READ: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.—Psalm 103:8
REFLECT: How do you deal with people who disappoint you? One night as I read Psalm 103:8–10, I seemed to hear God say, “This is the way I deal with those who let Me down.” The Lord is compassionate and gracious….How often do I show mercy, compassion, clemency—to my children? My spouse? My friends or coworkers?
Slow to anger and abounding in mercy….“Abounding” means “filled to the very brim with.” Can I be filled with enough love to give up my own quick temper and respond to others with steadfast, “never-failing” love?
He will not always accuse….God is no nag….Nor will He harbor His anger forever. God holds no grudges. Can I give up my own nagging and grudges?
He does not treat us as our sins deserve….Can I learn to be gentle in dealing with the faults of others? Can I overlook their flaws? God’s way of dealing with people who disappoint Him is not my most natural way. It’s harder. But it’s also a far better way.
PRAY: Father, please forgive my slowness to forgive, my tendency to think I have a right to hold a grudge because someone deserves it. Thank You for Your abounding love and mercy.
DO: Memorize Psalm 103:8 and repeat it until you are able to forgive your friend the way God does.